Graskop Gorge Avontuur Kompetisie

Graskop Gorge competition

Staan ‘n kaans om ‘n volle avontuuriese ervaring te wen by Graskop Gorge te danke aan Graskop Gorge Lift Co. 

Prys te wen: Twee kaartjies vir die Groot Swaai, twee kaartjies vir die dubbele Ziplyn, twee kaartjies om die wonderlike natuur aan te beskou wat voorsien dat die wenner plus hy/haar vennoot die inheemse natuur roete ervaar sowel as twee ingang kaartjies na Graskop George Avontuur sentrum.  

Alles ter waarde van R1810 

Antwoord op ons kompetisiepos op Facebook, Twitter or Instagram en vertel vir ons wat jy die meeste van vanaand se episode geniet het, en sluit #Pasella in om in te skryf.  

Die kompetisie sluit Woensdag 26 Mei 2021. 

Terme en voorwaarde geld




Important clauses which may limit our responsibility, place an obligation on you to indemnify us, involve an acknowledgment of any fact or involve some risk for you will be in bold and italics. You must pay special attention to these clauses.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Pasella Graskop Gorge Adventure Competition (Competition) will be run by Tswelopele Productions (Pty) Ltd (Tswelopele) in association with Graskop Gorge Lift Co. (Pty) Ltd (Graskop Gorge Lift Co).

(collectively the organisers/we/us/our).

1.2 Each person entering the Competition (entrants/you/your) and/or accepting the prize in terms of this Competition agrees and accepts that the Competition rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on him/her.

2. Competition Period

2.1 Entries for the Competition will open at 19h30 on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 and will close at 12h00 on Wednesday 26 May 2021 (Competition Period).

2.2. The organisers reserve the right (on its sole and absolute discretion) to extend, shorten, suspend the Competition Period or terminate the Competition for technical, commercial, and/or operational reasons, or for reasons beyond its control.

3. Who can enter

3.1 In order to be eligible to enter the Competition:

3.1.1 you must be a legal, permanent resident or citizen of the Republic of South Africa;

3.1.2 you must be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age; and

3.1.3 you must be a natural person (e.g. not a company, close corporation, trust or other similar legal entity).

3.2 Notwithstanding clause 3.1, you are not eligible to enter this Competition if:

3.2.1 you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the organisers of the Competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the organisers;

3.2.2 you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 3.2.1; or

3.2.3 you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.

4. How to Enter

4.1 To enter, you must comply with all the following requirements:

4.1.1 Reply to the Competition post on Pasella’s Facebook page, Twitter account or Instagram profile (Competition Posts), by answering the question included on the Competition Post, and 

4.1.2 also use the hashtag: #Pasella on your reply/comment.

4.2 We will include 1 (one) Competition Post on each platform (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). 

4.3 Once you meet the requirements set out in clause 3 above and this clause 4, you will automatically be entered into the Competition.

4.4 You may enter as many times as you like, provided that each entry is unique (i.e. not the same answer).

4.5 No automated entries will be allowed. Entries must be made manually.

4.6 If your entry is submitted in a manner that in the sole discretion of the organisers will provide you with an unfair advantage over other entrants, you will be disqualified from the Competition.

4.7 You are required to attend to the cost for your entry, including standard internet costs.

5. How the winners are determined

5.1  All draws for this Competition will be random and done by means of an automated system.

5.2  We will, within 48 (forty-eight) hours from the closing of the Competition, draw 1 (one) person (Winner) as winner of the Prize herein, subject to the following process: We will draw 1 (one) person from all entries received in response to each Competition Post as finalists (Finalists). We will then draw the Winner from the Finalists. Only entries received within the Competition Period will be included in the draws.

5.3  Tswelopele will notify the Winner by messaging the Winner directly on either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (the platform from which the winning entry was received) within 48 (forty-eight) hours from determination of the Winner to request further contact details, a copy of the Winner’s Identification Document (ID) (as required in accordance with Regulation 11 (6) (o) of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008) and any further information that may be required to validate the Winner’s entry. If the Winner does not reply to our message and provide the requested information within 48 (forty-eight) hours from our message being sent, or if we determine in our sole discretion that the Winner was not eligible to enter and or win a prize in the Competition in accordance with these terms and conditions, the Winner will forfeit the prize and have no claim against us and we shall be entitled to select a different winner at our discretion (by drawing a new winner from the Finalists).

5.4  The Winner may be announced on Pasella digital platforms.

6. The Prize

6.1 The Winner will receive the following:
6.1.1 Two (2) complimentary entrance tickets to Graskop Gorge Adventure Centre valued at R30 (thirty Rand) each.
6.1.2 Two (2) complimentary viewing lift tickets, which will enable the prize winner and his/her partner to ride the lift and do the indigenous forest trail as many times as they wish on the day the prize is redeemed valued at R205 (two hundred and five Rand) each.
6.1.3 Two (2) complimentary tickets for the Double Zipline valued at R220 (two hundred and twenty Rand) per person.
6.1.4 Two (2) complimentary tickets for the Big Swing valued at R450 (four hundred and fifty Rand) each.
6.1.5 Total prize is valued at R1810 (one thousand eight hundred and ten Rand)

6.2 The prize will also be subject to the following conditions:

6.2.1 The prize is valid and must be redeemed by the 31 March 2022.

6.2.2 The prize excludes all travel to and from the Graskop Gorge in Mpumalanga. 

6.2.3 The prize must be claimed by email. The email address will be supplied to the winner by the organisers.

6.2.4 Bookings to redeem the Prize will be subject to availability and must be made at least two weeks in advance as activities such as the Big Swing are in high demand and often fully booked over weekends and holidays.

6.2.5 All tickets are only valid for the same day of the first visit. 

6.3 The Prize does not include any items that are not specifically stated herein. For the avoidance of any doubt, but without limiting the generality of the aforesaid, the Prize will not include any costs for travel to redeem a Prize or any meals, beverages, activities and or extras not specifically mentioned above.

6.4 The Graskop Gorge Lift Co and Cardova will not be responsible for the loss or damage of the prize voucher, and will not accept any claim for compensation. 

6.5 No refund will be given.

6.6 The Prize shall further be subject to the standard terms and conditions as promulgated by Graskop Gorge Lift Co.

6.7 The value of the Prize includes Value Added Tax.

6.8 The Prize is not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or any other item or activity. We reserve the right to substitute the Prize with any other prize of comparable commercial value.

7. General

7.1 Any reference to the organisers includes the directors, members, partners, agents or consultants of the organisers, where the context allows for it.

7.2 We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions should it be deemed necessary in our sole and unfettered discretion.

7.3 The organisers’ decision regarding any matter concerning the Competition and/or arising out of these terms and conditions, including the determination of the Winner, is final and no correspondence will be entered into except where otherwise provided for in the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008.

7.4 Where relevant, if a Winner does not accept the Prize as required herein, if an entry is not valid for whatever reason, if a Winner has breached these terms and conditions, if a Winner renounces the Prize or we deem such Winner to have renounced the Prize, we reserve the right to declare the Prize forfeited and/or to choose a new Winner.

7.5 Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to, or must be understood to, unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any rights or obligations, as the case may be, created for either the entrants or the organisers in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008.

7.6 By entering this Competition, the entrant consents to the collection, processing and further processing of his or her personal information (including personal information contained in electronic communications) by us for the purposes of conducting this Competition and facilitating the entrant’s participation in the Competition. Except where prohibited by law or where objected to by the individual at any time, the Winner grants permission for us and those acting under our authority to use his or her name, and or photographs, and or voice for purposes of announcing the Winner and related advertising purposes, in any form of media and without additional compensation, notification or permission. A Winner may at any time decline an invitation use, or object to the use of, his/her image in marketing material.

7.7 By posting any content, images, or comments on any of the organiser’s public and/or social media platform or by sending any such content to the organisers, a entrant consents to and gives the organisers a world-wide royalty free licence to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish such content, images or comments for the purposes of promoting the organiser’s products and/or services.

7.8 By entering the Competition, the entrant unconditionally and irrevocably indemnifies and holds harmless the organisers, as well as its holding company, its subsidiaries and any subsidiaries of its holding company, and their successors and assigns, directors, employees, agents or consultants against all and any losses, claims, proceeding, actions, damages, (direct, consequential or otherwise) liability, demands, expenses, legal costs (on an attorney and own client basis) howsoever arising out of, based upon, or in connection with (directly or indirectly) the entrant’s participation in the Competition and or the use of the Prize.

7.9 The organisers and its service providers, are not responsible for:

7.9.1 incorrect and inaccurate transcription of entry information;

7.9.2 technical malfunction;

7.9.3 inappropriate images and comments posted by the entrant or by the public;

7.9.4 lost or delayed data transmission, omission, interruption, deletion, line failure or malfunction of any telephone network or computer equipment or software; and/or

7.9.5 the inability to access any website or online services or any other error.

7.10 If required by the Minister of Trade and Industry, the National Consumer Commission or for whatever other reason, we will have the right to modify or terminate this Competition with immediate effect and without notice of such modification or termination. In such event, all entrants hereby waive any rights, which they may have against us and hereby acknowledge that they will have no recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against us.

7.11 The Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and any correspondence related to the Competition should be directed at us and not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

7.12 We may require the Entrant to:

7.12.1 to provide his/her name, proof of address, identity number and cell number to enable us to verify the entry;

7.12.2 Where the entry includes the submission of any work eligible for copyright in terms of the Copyright Act No. 98 of 1978, conclude an agreement of assignment whereby any rights which the entrant may have in respect of such works are transferred to us.

7.13 We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant suspected of fraud or cheating including without limitations, through the manipulation of code or otherwise falsifying data.

7.14 For more information, or a copy of these Terms and Conditions, please visit Any Competition related queries may be emailed to

 from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm