Pasella groet saam met geliefdes en bekendes

29 Februarie 2022

Pasella finale episode

Pasella groet saam met geliefdes en bekendes

Pasella is in Franschhoek waar ons ons heel beste partytjie-vere regskud vir ‘n skitterblink, finale episode.

Van dekor en blomme, tot kos en koebaais vir ‘n bloubloed-opskop saam met die aanbieders, ghoeroes en produksiespan. Sit dié week weer jou Pasella-hoed op sodat ons vir oulaas saam ‘n glasie kan klink op 23 goue jare!

Dis vir oulaas Pasella, Woensdag om 19:30 op SABC2.


The final Pasella goodbye with the Pasella family

Pasella is in Franschhoek where we shake our very best party feathers ready for a brilliant, final episode.

From decor and flowers to food and goodbyes for one last celebration with the presenters, gurus and production team. Put on your Pasella hat again tonight so we can toast together for the last time at 23 golden years!

That's Pasella, Wednesdays on SABC2 at 19:30.

Thank you! Dankie!

Thank you so much to everyone who made this show possible:

Paul Rothmann - @paulrothmann1
Vicky Davis - @vicky_davis_sa
Sasha-Lee Davids - sashaleedavidsofficial
Amalia Uys - @amaliauys
Dieter Voigt -
An-Lizé Davids
Anrich Herbst -
Jo-Ann Strauss - @jo_annstrauss

Ian Ward -
Lize Beekman -
Werner Bosman -
Merizle Mitrovich -
Leticia Prinsloo -
Jacques Erasmus -
Theo Pedro -
Anelma le Roux -
Lana Fredericks.-


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